Currently Reading – January 2024

I don’t usually post anything except reviews; however, I’ve been reading more in the past few weeks than in the past few years. I’ve also been writing and enjoying it, which hasn’t happened in years as well. I don’t think creating a TBR would be a good idea since in the past it’s felt like too much pressure. I like to pick my next read naturally, based on however I feel in the moment. But I am reading a few different books at the moment, so I thought I’d share those. I may be making more “blog posts” here, rather than just reviews, this year. Hopefully this uptick in reading and writing will continue.

Opinions by Roxane Gay

This is Roxane Gay’s latest book, and I think I’ve read almost all of her books. There may be one or two I haven’t read that are less available. I follow her on social media and generally appreciate her point-of-view and, well, opinions. I was excited for this book. I started it some time ago, and it’s basically a compilation of essays or opinion pieces from across the years. I’m unsure why this compilation came out now, what occasion it’s marking, but I am still early in the book.

The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green

I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast as it aired, and it’s my understanding this book is made up of those episodes plus more content. I adore that podcast, and John Green in general. His earnestness and dedication to hope has inspired me in so many ways. I believe I’ve read all of his books as well. I bought the physical copy of this book when it was first published, though I never read it. Now, though, Spotify offers paid users 15 free hours of audiobook listening. Since I loved the podcast, that’s how I’m reading this book.

Exit Strategy by Martha Wells

I’m continuing the Murderbot series. This is the fourth book, but I haven’t actually started it yet. I bought the ebook as soon as I finished Rogue Protocol. For a long time, I only read ebooks on my phone. Lately, I’ve been very into physical copies, so I haven’t read on my phone at all.

Monstress Book One by Marjorie M. Liu and Sana Takeda

I read the first few issues of Monstress a long time ago and always wanted to read more. Well, many issues have come out since, and as a Christmas present I received Book One and Book Two. Book One is a collection of the first 18 issues. I started this, but only read a few pages.

Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

This is the latest book I’ve started, and also the one I’ve been reading the most. I bought a copy when I went on a trip for my fifth year anniversary in October, and I’ve always wanted to read a book by Moreno-Garcia. I think I’ve heard good things about all of their books. I’m just over 100 pages in right now.

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

Rating: ★★★★★

Wow, this book blew me away, and I did not expect that at all. Our main character, 16-year-old Aza, lives with OCD and anxiety. Much of what Aza describes in this book – wanting to get outside of herself, away from her body, away from her thoughts – was extremely relatable for me, and I was on the verge of tears at many different points. I live with my own anxieties and mental health isues that this book excellently described. It’s been a long time since a book made me cry. I can’t tell you how much I loved this book. I recommend this to everyone, but especially those who live with mental illness and those who want to understand what it’s like to live with mental illness.