Girl Waits with Gun by Amy Stewart

Rating: ★★★★

This book is a great work of historical fiction. The characters are what move the story along, and I enjoyed the somewhat mundane details of the sisters’ lives on a farm in New Jersey in 1914. I think when this book first came out, we didn’t know it’d be part of a series. But I’m glad that there is a second book! I can’t wait to pick it up.

While the book is classified a mystery, that is a rather small element of this story. This is the story of Constance and her sisters, Norma and Fleurette, and how they’re getting on when they’re unlucky enough to run in to a rather pathetic gangster.

I did thoroughly enjoy this book, and I read it quickly, but sometimes it felt a bit too slow. Some bits could have been left out to make the plot move along a bit faster. The one other con I have against this book is that Constance, our protagonist, is almost the weakest character. I have a good sense of who Norma and Fleurette are – what interests them and what their personalities are like – but with Constance, she sometimes seems like a doormat and at other times she jumps up and manhandles people. Maybe Constance is uncertain of herself, her life, and her own wants, but I still think that, by the time she’s in her mid-thirties, she’d have more personality traits.